What memories have you created in 2022?

Starting out the New Year

Are you feeling overwhelmed and disappointed about the visions and dreams you had for 2022? Are you thinking of all the hard work you have done, but you don’t see the fruit of that labor or feel like you aren’t even close to where you expected to be now?

Well, a year ago I was feeling exactly that way. Looking back now, I can see the reason. I had set an unrealistic time frame for my goals, and as I compared how far I had come with where I wanted to be, I found myself disappointed, discouraged and feeling like a failure. When I finally came to my senses and remembered that I needed to measure my growth, celebrate wins and count my blessings, I became satisfied and happy about my year.

Setting goals and having a vision is a good way to help you stretch yourself and help you create a roadmap to get there. However, finding joy every step of the way, and celebrating the progress along the way, is what creates the momentum and excitement to keep moving. 

Because of what I have learned and focused on this year, I can now look back on 2022 and see the positive and recognize God’s hand on my life, my family, and my business. Everything fell into place at the right time.

No matter what recollection you have of 2022 now, I want to invite you to create an EXCELLENT MEMORY of 2022 for your future, with an “end-of-year reflection” focused on the positive of every memorable experience you had. Set some time for yourself, find a quiet space, get a notebook, get comfortable and invite God into that place with you.

Think about how your life looked a year ago and how much has changed for the better since then. If you look for the positive, you will find the positive. Look for accomplishments and celebrations, recognize your efforts, and celebrate what you have done well. Acknowledge your growth through the challenges, and use the lessons you learned as wisdom for the future.

It is impossible to feel grateful and sad at the same time. I would love for you to close the year 2022 with a grateful heart, proud of what you accomplished, and excited for a new year filled with new opportunities, possibilities, and all that God has in store for you! Happy New Year and God Bless you!  


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