
Are You Standing In The Way Of Your Calling?

Have you ever received a vision from God that you would do something that you are not qualified for?  Have you ever felt God calling you to do something you don’t feel qualified for?

In January of 2021, I heard God telling me I would write a book. My first reaction was, “Are you, crazy God? I think you are calling the wrong person. My husband is the writer in the family. English is not my first language, and I was never good with grammar and writing in my first language, how? I’m not qualified for this job. How can I write a book?

A year went by, and some of my goals didn’t turn out quite the way I was expecting and I was frustrated and disappointed. Then, God reminded me of the book he needed me to write, He also said, “Focus on what I need you to and I will provide everything else.” At that point, despite all my excuses, questions, and fears. I decided to say YES, trust His plans and allow him to bring it all together. God is so good. First, he dealt with my fear of writing.

When God Called Moses He Didn’t Feel Equipped Either

Through Moses’ story, in the bible, when God called Moses to speak, he was fearful because he could not speak well, he even suggested God pick someone else, so God told him “Is there not Aron, your brother the  Levite?” Exodus 4:14. God also said in the next verse “I will be with your mouth and with his mouth and I will teach you both what to do”. Exodus 4:15. While reading Moses’ story God showed me that my husband, who is an amazing writer, would help me write the book, and He would be with me showing exactly what I needed to write about. 

A few months later I was given a course on how to write and publish my own book. I laughed inside, and then God told me, “I got you; I will help you, equip you and bring the right people into your life every step of the way.” I was flattered and honored, but still had the feeling that I was not quite the right person. I am also a full time mom, I was coaching female entrepreneurs, and my schedule was full. Regardless of my feelings and fears, I continued to obey God’s guidance and just started writing.

God’s Provision Shows Up When You Take The First Step In Faith

My accountability coach encouraged me to revaluate my schedule, and rearrange my priorities to put into writing the message God gave me, and complete my book.

Not 30 days later, after my mom had a miraculous visa appointment, my parents arrived to Dallas from Brazil to spend the summer with us. This was an incredible blessing, because they helped with my kids enjoying summer and creating memories while I focused on writing. To meet the sense of urgency I had to finish the book, God gave me the time I needed to focus. I had to say no to other opportunities in order to focus and accomplish what I needed. Within 60 days I finished writing.

My husband, who has a gift for writing, edited my manuscript. God also brought me the right people to assist with the creation of my brand, book cover, and website.

My book published on 02/13/2023 and I’m working on a project to co-author another book. I still can’t believe how fast everything came together when I had the courage to say yes.

 Take Your First Step Of Faith Today

I’m sharing my story to show you how amazing God is and He knows the person you need to become before you can even see it within yourself. He is calling you to something you don’t feel qualified for. He is waiting for your YES. I have outlined three steps to frame a path to faith for you today.

  1. Set 20 min of interrupted time and write down what you want to accomplish;
  2. List out 3 things that need to happen for you to reach your goal;      
  3. Start where you are with what you have. Take your first courageous step in faith and trust God to fill in the gaps, just like He did for me.
  4. Align yourself with professionals who can help you grow where you want to go. 



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