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How to Discover Your God-Given Identity

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” – Psalm 139:13-14

In the commotion of daily life, it’s easy to lose sight of the masterpiece God created within us. But fear not, beautiful, for this blog post is your guide to rediscovering the extraordinary creation that is YOU. Join me in as I dive into the profound wisdom of Psalm 139:13-14

The Masterpiece 

Envision yourself as a beautiful sculpture, carefully carved by the hands of the Creator. Each curve, contour, and detail was purposely designed with intention, care, and love. In the Bible Psalm 139:13, tells us that God shaped your innermost being, sculpting every detail with precision. You are not a mere coincidence, and you are not a mistake. You are a beautiful and unique masterpiece

Journey to Self-Discovery

You were fearfully and wonderfully made. It’s time for you to recognize and embrace the truth. Your journey of self-discovery starts by peeling away the layers you have used to “protect” or hide your true identity. This isn’t just a journey of self-love; it’s a journey of accepting and embracing God’s love into your very essence. Initially, you must accept and receive God’s love for you, allowing yourself to love who you are. Understanding that God loves you unconditionally and that His love remains unchanged by anything you do is crucial. He loves you just as you are, yes, every imperfect part of you. Through prayer, understanding, and building a relationship with God, you’ll gradually unveil the unique identity He designed specifically for you.

Daily Affirmation

Psalm 139:14 declares, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Adopt this verse into a daily affirmation, a powerful declaration, and a constant reminder grounded in the truth of God’s Word. Affirming and proclaiming this truth daily has the potential to reshape your mindset and alter the way you perceive yourself. This practice serves as a source of strength and boosts your confidence, anchoring you in the truth of who you are according to God’s promises.


Grab your journal as you dive into this daily habit and practice journaling about your uniqueness. Reflect on your strengths, passions, gifts, and the unique qualities that make you, YOU! This practice is to empower you to explore the insights inspired by Psalm 139:13-14, encouraging you to see yourself through the lens of God’s wonderful works.

Rediscovering Confidence

Confidence doesn’t come from conforming to worldly standards; it comes from understanding your identity in Christ and actively living it out. Comparing yourself to someone else or the images on social media robes your ability to see, accept, and love yourself authentically.  Assuming your God-given identity leads to a renewed sense of confidence. It’s not about perfection; it is learning to love and cherishing every aspect that shapes the unique YOU. Appreciate the fact that you are fearfully and wonderfully made by a sovereign God.

This is your time to recognize and incorporate this truth in your heart and live it out. For you have been formed and knitted together in your mother’s womb. And you have been fearfully and wonderfully made by God. Permit the truth in Psalm 139:13-14 to engrave itself into the core of your being as a reminder that you are a masterpiece created by God.

Cheers to the start of a new year with a renewed understanding of your identity and the confidence to authentically show yourself as the unique masterpiece you are!

Share your reflections in the comments below and inspire a friend to embark on this transformative Christian journey with you. Let’s celebrate the unique masterpiece that is YOU!

PS: Are you ready to bridge the gap between your reality and the life you aspire to live? Dive into my book, “The Joy of Becoming,” a powerful tool designed to guide you on this transformative journey. Purchase now and receive my FREE GIFT  to you as a fast-action book. Embark on a journey of growth, gratitude, and becoming the best version of yourself. 


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